
Cooling System Articles

Smart Drivers Protect Against Overheating

February 14th, 2023

Engines get hot when they run. This heat can build up and damage vital engine parts, so engines need a cooling system to keep them running. Cooling system failure is the most common mechanical failure in vehicles. This is unfortunate, because these failures are usually easy for drivers to prevent. The radiator is the best-known…

Keep Your Cool in your car

October 27th, 2016

  All drivers rely on their car’s coolant system to keep their engine cool. Coolant (also called antifreeze) mixed with water flows through your vehicle engine and absorbs heat. The mixture then flows out to the radiator where it’s cooled by air flowing over the radiator. From there the coolant/water mix circulates back through the…

Vehicle Servicing – Coolant/Antifreeze Service

January 28th, 2015

  Anyone that drives a car knows that engines get hot when they run. But did you know that engines need to be cooled to keep running? Heat inside an engine can cause the metal parts to expand, which can seize up an engine and make it stop running. It can even ruin the entire engine! Good car…

Vehicle Servicing – Water Pumps and what they do.

December 20th, 2011

  Your cooling system is very important. It circulates coolant through the radiator and your engine to protect your car from overheating. There are five main components to the cooling system: the radiator the radiator cap the hoses the thermostat and the water pump The water pump’s like the heart of your cooling system, circulating…